Products on sale

  • Handmade Statement Earrings – Floral Elegance These stunning handmade earrings are a true work of art! Carefully crafted from high-quality fabric and hand-stitched with delicate bead details, they showcase an intricate floral design that adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to any outfit. With a bold 10 cm diameter, they make a striking statement while remaining lightweight and comfortable to wear. Perfect for those who appreciate artisanal craftsmanship and distinctive accessories. Elevate your style with these eye-catching floral earrings! 🌸✨

    Red Flower Earrings

    250.00 lei

  • Handmade Statement Earrings – Floral Elegance These stunning handmade earrings are a true work of art! Carefully crafted from high-quality fabric and hand-stitched with delicate bead details, they showcase an intricate floral design that adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to any outfit. With a bold 10 cm diameter, they make a striking statement while remaining lightweight and comfortable to wear. Perfect for those who appreciate artisanal craftsmanship and distinctive accessories. Elevate your style with these eye-catching floral earrings! 🌸✨

    Animal Print Earrings

    250.00 lei

  • Handmade Statement Earrings – Floral Elegance These stunning handmade earrings are a true work of art! Carefully crafted from high-quality fabric and hand-stitched with delicate bead details, they showcase an intricate floral design that adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to any outfit. With a bold 10 cm diameter, they make a striking statement while remaining lightweight and comfortable to wear. Perfect for those who appreciate artisanal craftsmanship and distinctive accessories. Elevate your style with these eye-catching floral earrings! 🌸✨

    Handmade Black Gold Earrings

    250.00 lei

  • curs palarii, imvata sa faci palarii manual din lana natyrala si pe masura ta


White Roses Hat

680.00 lei

Available on backorder

Available on backorder


Palaria este confectionata dintr-un material tare, fix, nu se indoaie si nu sufera modificari.

Pe exterior are un material ce imita pielea de caprioara. Are o textura fina, este de calitate premium.

Palariile sunt ajustabile ca marime, se potrivesc de la nr 54.5 pana la 58 cm.

Palariile sunt deja confectionate, nu se fac pe comanda. Nu se poate modica calota dar borul se poate ajusta pe masura dorita.

Cea Mai mare dimensiune de bor poate fi 9cm.

Palariile doar se personalizeaza prin pictura sau decor

Retur sau schimb.

Produsele aflate pe stoc,in campanie, ce beneficiaza de preturi speciale, se pot returna doar cu eticheta de sigiliu atasata iar in schimbul returului, se reproduce modelul ( daca este posibil) si se achita diferenta sau se inlocuieste cu un alt model ce beneficiaza de acelasi pret sau daca pretul este diferit, se achita diferenta.
Produsele nu se inlocuiesc cu altele ce beneficiaza de un pret mai mic.

Produsele ce se lucreaza pe comanda, nu se returneaza si nu se schimba conform OUG/ 2014 art 16/ aliniatul C si E.

Atunci cand achizitionati o palarie pe comanda va vom contacta prin intermediul cailor de comunicare ( whatsapp sau email) pentru a discuta detalii si a putea fi siguri ca masura este luata corect si culoarea/ detaliile sunt spcificate exact.


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